Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello out there in Internetland, this is the relaunch of my political blog.

I'll be focusing mainly on American and Canadian Politics.

I don't hide my biases, I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal. I don't believe that the government has any right to interfere in your daily life, so even though I don't personally support gay marriage (as a Christian, I think it's morally reprehensible) it should not be illegal.

I support limited, or small, government.

I believe that capitalism is a good thing.

I believe that Christianity is essential for salvation, and that there is really a God watching us.

I believe that abortion is murder.

I believe that too many people compromise on issues that are far too important to compromise on.

And I believe that my country, Canada, is walking along a path to financial ruin, and that our neighbour to the south is close behind us.

More to come, hopefully soon.