Saturday, October 31, 2009

Climate Change

This is basically my simplified version of Lord Monckton's argument, I just took his facts and streamlined the delivery.

So. His argument is pretty clear. He claims that the U.N.'s figures are vastly exaggerated, BUT to show that even on the off-chance that he is wrong, he used their figures to show the logical fallacies in their argument.

Again, this is using the figures in the U.N. Climate models.

The U.N. says that we produce roughly 30 billion tons of CO2 a year. This is and actual fact.

They say this increases the CO2 in the atmosphere by 2 parts per million. (So, if you took a million molecules out of the atmosphere, two of them would CO2 molecules that we produced this year.) Therefore, 15 billion tons of CO2 equals 1 part per million.

The U.N. claims that over the next hundred years, we will increase the amount of CO2 per million by 468 parts, because of the growing use of oil and coal.

They also say that in the next hundred years, temperatures will increase by 7 degrees fahrenheit.

468 parts per million = 7 degrees Fahrenheit

66.85714 parts per million = 1 degree Fahrenheit

and if you remember from the beginning, at our current rate of emissions, we produce 2 parts per million per year.

So if we stopped emitting for 33 years at today's rates, we'd only decrease their projections by 1 degree. So there's clearly no workable solution if their projections are correct.

Luckily for us, they've been proven wrong.